[publican-list] Is it possible to build documentation without the requirement of <productnumber>
Eric Buruschkin
2017-05-18 20:49:48 UTC
We use publican to build pdf documentation, and have only used older
versions of publican for a while now (2.8.x). I am now migrating the
repository of xml to a new server home and am now using a much newer
version - 4.3.2.

We never used productnumber in any way previously, and am now seemingly
forced to add one. While this is great for packaging and documenting
different versions of software/products, this is preventing me from
publishing new documents.

I've tried different combinations of editing Book_Info.xml and publican.cfg
to leave version/productnumber empty, but to no avail.

Is there a way to bypass this requirement? A patch I can apply?
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Jeff Fearn
2017-05-18 22:06:51 UTC
Post by Eric Buruschkin
We use publican to build pdf documentation, and have only used older
versions of publican for a while now (2.8.x). I am now migrating the
repository of xml to a new server home and am now using a much newer
version - 4.3.2.
We never used productnumber in any way previously, and am now seemingly
forced to add one. While this is great for packaging and documenting
different versions of software/products, this is preventing me from
publishing new documents.
I've tried different combinations of editing Book_Info.xml and publican.cfg
to leave version/productnumber empty, but to no avail.
Is there a way to bypass this requirement? A patch I can apply?
Delete <productnumber> from book/article Info file, and add 'version: 11' to publican.cfg

Cheers, Jeff.
